Babcock Clyde Branch - Public content

Prospect Babcock Clyde

Why Should I Join?

Members at Clyde are the lifeblood of our union. The more members we have, the better we can represent and protect them as it:

  • makes us more representative
  • increases our negotiating strength
  • provides the resources to negotiate and represent members
  • enables us to maintain a wide range of services
  • gives financial stability to the union

Ten good reasons to join Prospect (Clyde):

  1. We negotiate collective terms and conditions on your behalf, including your annual pay rise; only union members get a say in this.
  1. From 2011 to 2015 all Non-Industrial Staff wages are 5.9% higher than they would have been if there were no unions to negotiate on your behalf.
  1. We provide specialist advice on work-related problems and handle any number of personal cases ranging from attendance management issues through to disciplinary cases and sometimes even employment tribunals.
  1. Our Safety Reps help protect your Health, Safety and Welfare at work and are just one of the reasons why workplaces with active union reps show a 50% reduction in injuries and illnesses compared to those that don’t.
  1. LegalLine, our free 24-hour telephone helpline, offers high quality legal advice on almost any problem except employment law.
  1. Our benevolent fund provides grants to members, retired members and their dependants in financial distress.
  1. We are a campaigning organisation, well-respected for our work on issues such as science funding, energy policy and quality public services. Prospect is non-party political but our members' expertise ensures our voices count.
  1. We have an excellent range of members' deals and discounts, including a free will writing service, a tax refund service, a free personal injury scheme for you and your family as well as discount home, travel and motor insurance.
  1. In cases where Prospect supports a member's claim, we will pay your fees for any case that goes to an employment tribunal. This can be as much as £1,200 per case.
  2. Prospect provides its members with the opportunity to develop as representatives. We can provide training opportunities and personal development skills at no cost to our members.