

Prospect submissions to government consultations

Latest Prospect submissions

Prospect's response to TUPE and EWC July 2024   info
Prospect's response to the consultation on Clarifications to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) and abolishing the legal framework for European Works Councils
 10 July 2024 

Bectu submission: the effects on touring post Brexit.   info
Bectu made a submission to the Scottish Parliament culture committee about the effects on touring post Brexit.
 28 November 2023 

2023 - 00940 Respond to Acas consultation on the flexible working Code of Practice   info
Acas consultation response
 20 September 2023 

Consultation on Panel Composition in the Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal   info
Submission by Prospect to the Senior President for Tribunals 26 April 2023 Consultation on Panel Composition in the ET and the EAT
 27 July 2023 

Retained EU Employment Law Consultation on reforms to the Working Time Regulations, Holiday Pay, and the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) Regulations   info
Retained EU Employment Law Consultation - Submission by Prospect to the Department for Business & Trade 7 July 2023
 27 July 2023 

McCloud Remedy Consultation Response - May 2023   info
Prospect's submission to the Cabinet Office consultation on regulations implementing the retrospective element of the McCloud remedy.
 10 July 2023 

WPC-submission-re-PPF-April2023   info
Submission to Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into DB schemes (focussed on questions about PPF).
 19 April 2023 

Consultation on Code of Practice on Dismissal & Re-engagement   info
Prospect's response to BEIS on the consultation of a statutory code of practice on 'Fire & Rehire'
 18 April 2023 

Prospect evidence to PAC re AEA Technology Pension Scheme   info
Evidence from Prospect to the Public Accounts Committee in relation to their investigation of the AEA Technology Pension Scheme case and the losses suffered by members after this scheme was transferred to the Pension Protection Fund.
 03 March 2023 

BBC future funding, Submission by Bectu to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee   info
BBC future funding: how should the BBC be funded in the future to deliver what is needed from a national public service broadcaster? Submission by Bectu to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee
 04 April 2022 

Submission to Work & Pensions select committee - Protecting pension savers call for evidence   info
Prospect submission to stage two of Work & Pensions Select Committee Inquiry - Protecting pension savers – five years on from the Pension Freedoms: Saving for later life. Call for evidence:
 02 February 2022 

Prospect submission to Cabinet Office consultation on statutory amendment covering McCloud remedy and member contributions   info
Prospect submission to Cabinet Office on amendments to the Civil Service Pension arrangements, to implement phase one of the remedy to McCloud (closure of legacy scheme and future accrual in Alpha) and setting member contribution rates for 2022/23.
 20 December 2021 

Making Flexible Working the Default   info
Prospect submission to BEIS consultation on making flexible working the default.
 01 December 2021 

Prospect submission to DWP on permitted charges with DC schemes   info
Prospect submission to government’s May 2021 consultation on the implementation of a de minimis on the charging of flat fees and a Universal Charging Structure within Defined Contribution (DC) pension schemes. Consultation document: Consultation response:
 09 November 2021 

Springfields Fuels ownership joint statement   info
A joint statement from Prospect and Unite on the future ownership of Springfields Fuels
 21 September 2021