UKAEA Branch - Public content

Prospect UKAEA

UKAEA branch contacts

Prospect UKAEA branch contacts 2024/2025

The people named below are points of contact within Prospect UKAEA branch:

  • If you are a Prospect member needing support or advice from a branch committee member or a trained personal case handler.
  • If you are a non-member interested in finding out more about how Prospect membership will benefit you, or to raise a general query with a Prospect representative.
Name Roles
Fae Thompson Co-chair, Personal case handler
James Burton-Sweeten Co-chair, Personal case handler
Toby James Deputy Chair, Personal Case Handler
Alex Marsh Secretary
Chris MacMackin Co-Organiser
Leah Morgan Co-Organise
Tracey Smith Treasurer
Julian Lewis Lead Safety Rep, Personal Case Handler
Yannik Dieudonne Environment rep
Sophie Gribben Equality rep
Niamh Holland Young Workers Rep
Shep Lynch  
Faiz Rahman Union Learning Rep, Personal Case Handler
Ed Shelton Policy Rep