Government must heed advice in shipbuilding report

Government must heed report on a national shipbuilding strategy

Prospect has welcomed the independent report on a national shipbuilding strategy for the UK

Sir John Parker, chairman of mining company Anglo American, was asked to examine how the British naval shipbuilding industry could be made sustainable while increasing exports.

Garry Graham, Prospect deputy general secretary, welcomed the report as positive and forward looking and identified shipbuilding as a motor for the renewal of UK manufacturing.

“The report has clear messages that government needs to take on board. We agree with Sir John Parker on the need for strategic planning, underpinned by assured financing, to avoid short-term budget raids by the Treasury.

“Delaying work costs more money in the long run and means that industry can’t plan for the future.

“This report presents a set of recommendations that break from this past, focusing instead on the delivery of the Type 26 and Type 31e as urgent tasks for UK shipbuilding.

Graham also pointed out that the Ministry of Defence needs to make sure that it has the personnel it needs to act as an intelligent customer and improve its decision making processes.

Government and indeed the MoD must invest in skills and technologies to enable industry to be competitive.

“The report makes repeated reference to the importance of positive engagement with trade unions. Prospect agrees that this would help support the development of a thriving shipbuilding industry which strengthens our defence capacity; enhance our export capability and provide thousands of high-quality skilled jobs which will be welcomed by local communities and contribute to the national economy.

“Sir John argues that we need a more diverse shipbuilding industry that uses the talents of shipbuilding across the UK. We strongly urge the government to implement the recommendations in full,” Graham concluded.

 In a written statement on 29 November, the Secretary of State for Defence said: “I have asked officials, working with others across Government, to examine the report and recommendations, and to discuss them with industry.

“The Government will then publish a full and considered response and implementation plan in spring 2017. This response will be the National Shipbuilding Strategy."