Union looks to close ties with new NDA chief

Prospect welcomes the appointment of the new NDA chief

Commenting on the appointment of John Clarke as the new chief executive of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, the biggest union in the nuclear industry said it looked forward to developing a close working relationship.

Prospect National Secretary Mike Graham said: “While the new chief executive faces a challenging agenda we recognise that he brings to the position a lifetime of experience in the nuclear sector.

“This is a welcome appointment as not only does Clarke have an intimate knowledge of the industry, being a resident of West Cumbria means he knows first hand how important it is to the region’s economy. Added to that is his reputation for being able to work with stakeholders in a spirit of consultation and co-operation.

“Given that our members’ livelihoods are tied up in the future of decommissioning, Prospect is a key stakeholder in the clean-up agenda and we will be looking to develop and maintain a close working relationship, with full and open consultation, at every step of the way.”