Union chief to speak at north-west symposium

Union chief to speak at north-west symposium

Time is a luxury which the Government does not have when making decisions regarding the future of the UK’s energy supply. That is the message General Secretary Paul Noon will deliver to a key north-west symposium examining the case for new nuclear build.

The event is being hosted by Westinghouse in association with Prospect, (which represents 15,000 scientists, engineers and professional staff in the nuclear industry), and Unite. It will take place today at the Manchester United Football Club, Old Trafford.

Noon will say that it is wrong to view the debate over nuclear new build as being "between those in favour of civil nuclear power and those who support a green agenda," because "it is precisely because we are pro environment and passionate supporters of the need to tackle climate change that we see a role for civil nuclear power and are so concerned that an early decision is taken to allow nuclear new build."

But, he will warn, a number of barriers need first to be addressed including the market structure, a lack of nuclear inspectors and the skills shortage in the UK.

Noon will say: "Any aspiration for nuclear new build will be fatally undermined unless the skills issues are addressed urgently. Although Prospect represents professionals and either white collar, or at least white boiler suit grades, the skill shortage and skill issues relevant to nuclear new build are not confined to our people – they go throughout the workforce."

Noon is the TUC General Council lead on sustainability, energy and the environment. Copies of his speech are available from Prospect’s communications department on 020 7902 6625.