Nuclear union backs bid for new MOX plant

Nuclear union backs bid for new MOX plant

The union for energy professionals has welcomed the announcement from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) that it plans to explore the business case for recycling the UK's plutonium and uranium stockpile.

On behalf of 15,000 scientists, engineers and other professionals in the nuclear and waste management industries, Deputy General Secretary Mike Clancy said: “Any possible re-use as MOX fuel would provide a holistic solution to the problem of managing the UK’s radioactive legacy which recognises the opportunities a new nuclear build programme may present.

“While it is right that the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and operators examine options for commercial viability, we would hope the government does not lose sight of the fact that the management of the UK’s plutonium stockpile is ultimately its responsibility. Therefore we urge that consideration is also given to the civil nuclear plans of ‘friendly’ nuclear power states, including those with fast reactor programmes.

“Not only would new reprocessing facilities convert a zero asset into a potential revenue stream, it would produce a substantial cost saving compared with the options for safe disposal and opportunities for highly skilled employment.”