BT Pay Agreement the Matrix and Ranges and arrangements for the ballot

BT Pay Agreement the Matrix and Ranges and arrangements for the ballot

We have now reached agreement, subject to ballot, on the details of this year's pay agreement.

In addition, and in separate discussions to the pay review, we have reached a positive outcome to the discussions on revised salary ranges.

Remember that the proposed agreement has a number of important features, including

An increase in Band 1 On Target Bonus from a minimum of 7.5% to 10%

There will be an additional equal pay review with effect from 1 January 2011

The starting pay on appointment arrangements will be re-introduced via a four-monthly review of recent appointments. Together with the proposed matrix and the movement in certain pay ranges, we view the overall package as good in the prevailing climate. We are strongly recommending that members vote for it in the forthcoming e-ballot.

The Ballot

The e-ballot will open on Wednesday 5 May and will remain open until Monday 17 May

The e-ballot is conducted securely and independently by Snap. You will soon receive an email from [email protected] containing your unique user name and password. You will then receive a second email from them providing you with a link to the e-ballot paper. It is possible that your PC will treat these emails as spam, so if you do not receive them, please check your junk mail folder.

The question on the ballot paper is

The union recommends that you vote for the BT 2010 pay offer. Do you

Vote Yes (box)
Vote No (box)

We urge you to vote for this proposed agreement. In the very difficult current climate, we firmly believe this is a good offer.

The Matrix

To view the agreed matrix click here.

Note that the matrix contains underpinning increases for people in Band 1 roles who are appraised as Good, and below/low in range or in the mid range.

Note that there are also small increases available for people appraised as GS.

The agreed pay guidance which you can view by clicking here states that reviewing managers must apply at least the minimum increase in the matrix. They may not award lower increases than stipulated in the matrix.

Increases under this matrix will be pensionable.

The Ranges

We have been able to secure increases in a fair number of ranges. You can view all the ranges - with the rates to apply with effect from 1 June - by clicking here .Overall, a number of key ranges have moved, across all bands. We view this as very positive given the overall bargaining climate, although we of course appreciate that more needs to be done here.The increased ranges will be used to determine each individual's position in their range for the 2010 review.