Prospect Archaeologists
Welcome to the public pages of Archaeologist e-Branch where members and non-members can access general news and information relating to the Branch.
Prospect is the independent trade union for almost 150,000 members employed as specialists in science and technology, defence, heritage, energy, agriculture, environment, aviation and transport sectors. The union is run and funded by members and exists to benefit their interests in a variety of ways. Sat within the Heritage sector, is the Archaeologists branch, with over 1400 members. Within the Archaeologists branch are a number of sections, including PCA, MOLA, Wessex, Oxford, and Independent members.

The Archaeologists branch is run by your colleagues who form an elected committee, working with a full-time official and supported by Prospect’s legal, educational, research and communications departments, the committee work on behalf of members who perform similar work to yourself. Prospect works hard for members in the archaeological profession. Your local union representatives maintain an honest and open dialogue with the employer.
The Branch is committed to campaigning for better pay, terms and conditions across the archaeological profession. The more members we have, the greater our ability to change our industry for the better.

Being a union member helps get you better terms as negotiated between Prospect and the employer and protect your current employment rights.
Prospect reps and case handlers will also help members who are going through unfair dismissals, redundancies or disciplinaries.
It’s important to understand that Prospect cannot represent you if you do not join the union before your problems arise.
A union isn’t just there to help in difficult times, we also act on your behalf throughout the year.

By being a member you are also helping to support our efforts to tackle ‘profession wide’ issues, working towards improvements right across the industry on matters such as pay and conditions, training, health and safety, and career development. To do so we work closely with organisations such as the Chartered Institute for Archaeologist (CIfA) and the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers (FAME).
Have a look at the other pages on this ebranch for further information and advice. For the latest branch info, follow us on Facebook or Twitter
The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of Prospect nationally.