Rep's guides

Rep's guides

Prospect produces a range of guides to help our reps carry out their role professionally and effectively. They're all listed below.

Our rep's handbook (PDF, login required) is an introduction to the role of a Prospect representative. It provides the basic information that reps need and and points you in the right direction if you need to know more.

Our guide to time off and facilities for trade union reps (PDF, login required) tells you what you need to know about your rights and responsibilities as a rep.

If you don't find what you are looking for please contact Prospect's website team.

Branch/section/sub-section Treasurers' guide   info
This guide is to support Treasurers in their day-to-day function of looking after and reporting on union funds, carrying out their administrative responsibilities, and ensuring compliance with HMRC regulations. Updated Nov 2024

EDI toolkit for reps   info
Prospect is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all members irrespective of sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age or religion. These checklists offer guidance to ensure that EDI is always part of the bargaining agenda.

Guide to data protection for Prospect reps   info
A guide for union reps about data protection law and how they can comply with the regulations.

Lobbying parliament   info
From employment law to energy policy, every Prospect member is affected by political decisions in one way or another. If you're campaigning for a change of policy, this guide explains how to use the parliamentary process to assist your cause.

Media Guide   info
This guide seeks to give some practical advice to representatives on handling media inquiries and contacting press, radio and TV.

Mental health guidance for reps   info
Prospect is committed to supporting the mental health of our reps. This document provides information and resources to help representatives understand and improve their own mental health. It also contains a variety of links and information on sources of professional and emergency support.

Representatives’ guide to work-related fatigue   info
Representatives’ guide to work-related fatigue

Reps' handbook   info
This handbook is an introduction to the role of a Prospect representative. It provides the basic information that reps need and and how to find out more. [Updated Sep 2021]

The Movement guide for Bectu reps   info
A guide for using Movement - the new email tool for sending branch mailings