All about eSites
Prospect’s eSite (or 'eBranch') system is a set of online tools for reps. The current system includes online access to membership lists, a mass email tool and a content management system. As explained here, we're not currently accepting requests for new eSites or turning on new modules for existing eSites.
Resources for existing eSite users
Watch the short introductory video below (2 mins 39 secs), then read on to find out more about:
- the eSite modules
- who gets admin rights.
* eSites aren't automatically available for sub-sections, but we can set them up on request - email [email protected].
eBranch modules
The basic eSite
All branches and sections have a 'starter' eBranch/eSection which contains their online membership lists. Branch officers automatically get access to their branch lists; section officers get access to their section lists (see 'who gets admin rights' below). If that's all you want, everything you need should already be in place. Branch/section officers, on your Welcome page you'll see a panel headed 'Your members' - click any of the elements to be taken to you the membership lists in your eBranch/eSection. Be aware that this data will be unavailable for a period of a few weeks from 19 February, explained here.
This is the only module you'll get by default. All the other modules are turned on by request (although we are not currently accepting new requests for new modules, explained here). Watch our short videos to find out more about the key modules.
Five optional modules
Mass email
Send mass emails to your members or reps without the need to maintain your own distribution list. Be aware that the current system is being turned off on 19 Feb while we prepare to switch to a new system in the spring.
Members-only content modules
- Members-only web pages. You get an introductory page where you can post a welcome message, and can create up to ten other members-only pages.
- Upload documents
- Publish brief news updates
- Public content module
You can create up to ten public web pages for recruitment or campaign purposes.
Which modules are right for your branch/section?
- Many branches/sections only use the membership lists and mass email modules. These are admin tools for branch officers. Members don't 'see' the eBranch.
- If you add any of the members-only content modules, your members will see a link to your eSite when they log into
- Before deciding whether to use the members-only content modules, check how many of your members can log into the website. This info is shown at the top of your membership list page. If a low percentage have a website password, we recommend that you focus on the mass email module. eSite content would be of limited value, because many of your members won't see it.
- If you want to go ahead with the content modules, be realistic about how much content you would generate and how often you'll be able to update it. We suggest a staged approach:
- Start with members-only web pages and document upload.
- Only use news updates if a majority of your members have a password for the website (you can see this on your 'view members' page), and if you think those members visit the eSite regularly. News updates don't send an alert to your members.
- Only add the public content module if you're a confident user of the content management system, and you've got a clear message to communicate. Public web pages are exactly that. They will be the public face of your Prospect branch/section, and will be indexed by search engines such as Google, so it's important that public content is accurate, up-to-date and well-written. We will ask your Prospect negotiating team to have oversight of the content.
Who gets admin rights?
- Some branch/section officers – secretary, assistant secretary, M&R secretary, organiser, chair/president/convenor and vice-chair – automatically get access to their membership lists, and they have admin rights to whichever other modules their branch is using .
- If you want other reps to have admin rights you'll need to designate them as an eSite administrator or a Communications rep; let your negotiating team know so they can record this on our membership database.
- eSite admins can only manage content - they can create/edit pages, upload documents, post news updates. They don't get access to bulk email or membership lists.
- Communications reps can manage content AND send mass emails. They don't need access to membership lists, because distribution lists are built into the mass email system. If they have a legitimate need to interrogate membership lists, they're more than a communications rep, and they should hold a role which reflects that responsibility.
- Your full-time officer, organiser and/or other Prospect staff in your negotiating team automatically get admin rights.
- If your branch has sections, section officers can access membership lists through their own eSection - they don't get access to your branch lists.
- eSites don't automatically extend to sub-section level. if you're a sub-section secretary and would like an eSite, let us know.
- Contact [email protected] for further information.