Unanswered nuclear Brexit questions leave MPs puzzled

The European Scrutiny Committee’s report on government plans for Brexit and nuclear arrangements calls for further scrutiny

Prospect senior deputy general secretary Sue Ferns said:

The report from the European Scrutiny Committee reveals, yet again, the amount of work the government has ahead of it to ensure that Brexit does not damage UK’s nuclear arrangements.

The list of unanswered questions demonstrates the pressing need to provide clarity. Prospect has been urging the government, for months, to address fundamental questions about how the nuclear industry will operate after Brexit.

Fundamental strategic partnerships are at risk of deteriorating as long as the government’s policy of ‘wait and see what happens’ continues.

Prospect welcomes the call for clear answers from this cross-party committee and eagerly anticipates the government’s response on 2 February.

Read the report here: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmeuleg/301-viii/30109.htm