Engineering is not just hard hats and greasy pipes!

Engineering is not just hard hats and greasy pipes!

Only 9% of the engineers in the UK are women – which is why Prospect has been working with external stakeholders to inspire, attract, recruit and retain more women in engineering and technology.

female scientist

The Institution of Engineering and Technology launched a social media campaign called #9PercentIsNotEnough in October 2016.

The aim was to help change the perception that engineering is predominantly a career for men by banishing outdated engineering stereotypes of hard hats and greasy pipes.

The next stage in the campaign is a networking and best practice sharing conference on Friday 23 June in Birmingham.

Prospect president Denise McGuire will be one of the panelists in the closing discussion.

Timed to coincide with International Women in Engineering day, the conference will showcase real, practical solutions, best practice and offer networking opportunities.

Leaders of major engineering and technology companies will provide advice on how to increase the 9% figure and network with fellow participants to share ideas.

Anyone recruiting engineers will benefit from attending.

The workshops will cover:

  • driving change from the top down
  • bridging the gap between female educational attainment and workplace entrants
  • creating a modern, diverse, dynamic and inclusive workforce
  • overcoming the recruitment challenge
  • developing and implementing retention and re-attraction strategies
  • combating unconscious bias
  • developing leaders who happen to be female
  • working with schools to encourage more girls into engineering
  • creating more female role models in STEAM
  • benchmarking the UK with other countries
  • how can the 9% figure be increased within 10 years?

You can see the full programme and book your place at

The cost is £75 (including the drinks reception) if you register before 2 June.