Young workers support heritage campaign

Young professionals win support for heritage campaign

Fair pay, health and safety training, student funding, defending the BBC against cuts and recruitment and organising were among key topics debated at the TUC young workers’ conference earlier this month.

  • 19 Apr 2016
  • TUC

The conference, in London on 9-10 April, was attended by 90 delegates from 21 different unions. Prospect’s four delegates were Debbie Stringer (Sellafield); Elinor Harrison (EDF Energy); Abigail Rumsey (CABI); and Adam Rourke (Cavendish Nuclear).

Prospect’s motion on heritage sector funding was moved by Debbie Stringer, and called on the TUC to:

  • continue to support and prioritise union campaigns in the heritage sector, such as Prospect’s recent “High Five Heritage” social media campaign
  • highlight the continued low pay, short termism and underfunding in the sector
  • promote the value of investing in our heritage.

Conference passed the motion, which was supported by speakers from BECTU and PCS.

Delegates voted to send a motion on fair pay for young workers to the TUC conference in September.

They also chose two campaigns for the TUC young workers’ forum to focus on in 2016-17:

  • young workers’ pay and living standards
  • education, skills and access to culture.

Prospect members aged 30 and under are encouraged to get involved with the union’s young professionals’ network. Please get in touch by emailing [email protected]