Six days to have your say

Six days to have your say on the Trade Union bill

The government has backed down on the social media elements of the Trade Union bill and is clearly feeling the pressure from campaigning by unions and individual members.

The next stages of the bill will be debated by MPs on Tuesday 10 November. After that it moves to the House of Lords.

This leaves six days to keep the pressure on the government to drop the bill altogether.

“There is still time for members to voice their concerns by writing to their local MPs. In particular, the more pressure we put on Conservative MPs, the more likely it is that they will reflect on what the bill means for most ordinary trade union members across the UK,” said Sue Ferns, Prospect deputy general secretary.

To help individual members frame letters, please take a look at the briefing here that sets out some of the arguments you can use.

The proposals around the use of social media were widely ridiculed as unworkable and an unjust attack on civil liberties. They required unions give two weeks’ notice on their use of Facebook and Twitter during strikes and to spell out – a fortnight ahead – what would be written on protest placards.

Despite the climbdown, the bill is still a huge threat to civil liberties. Picket supervisors will still have to give their name and contact details to the police, and unions still face court injunctions and possible damages if an organiser forgets to wear an armband.

The government also still plans to allow the use of agency workers during strikes; stop union membership subs being deducted from payroll in the public sector; and cap time off for trade union reps in the public sector.

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