Prospect gains seat on Longannet planning body

Prospect gains seat on Longannet planning body

Options for saving Scotland’s largest power station as well as how best to deal with the fallout from potential closure will be discussed when Prospect meets with representatives from the employer and devolved government next week.

The future of Scottish Power-owned Longannet, which produces roughly 15% of Scotland’s electricity, was thrown into doubt after it lost its National Grid supply contract in March.

Closure was originally planned for 2020, allowing time for Longannet’s coal-fire capacity to be replaced by alternative low carbon energy sources. But it is now set to shut in March next year.

“The decision threatens over 1,000 highly-skilled jobs within the power station and the supply chain,” says Prospect negotiator Richard Hardy.

“It will also see the loss of 2.5GW of generating capacity from the system with no immediately apparent replacement.”

Concerns have also focused on the impact of early closure on the wider economy in Fife and the increased reliance on importing energy from England, at a time when generating capacity south of the border is also falling.

Next week’s talks will take place on Wednesday (May 20), following news that the Longannet unions, lead by Prospect, had gained a seat on the Longannet Impact Planning Board, convened by Fife Council.