Prospect members prepare for London Pride parade

Prospect members prepare for London Pride parade on Saturday 27 June

Graham Nash, Prospect’s representative on the TUC lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender committee, explains why the union's members should support the Pride parade in London on Saturday 27 June.

It is now 30 years since the inspiring display of solidarity by Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM). Their action led to increased support for lesbian and gay rights in the trade union movement and contributed to the widespread acceptance and understanding that we see today. The story has been told in a stage production called ‘Pits and Perverts’ and in the film ‘Pride’.

To celebrate the anniversary, LGSM will be leading the trade union section in the Pride parade in London this year. This gives us a good opportunity to raise the profile of Prospect and unions in general.

In recent years, a small group of Prospect members have taken part in the Pride parade and I would love to see a bigger group than ever this year, to get us noticed and to show our on-going appreciation for LGSM.

Equality is very much a trade union matter – union membership is all about standing up for each other and building strength in numbers.

You do not need to identify as LGBT to attend Pride. Everyone is welcome to come along and show solidarity with LGSM, LGBT members of Prospect and other unions and of course LGBT people in countries which are not as fortunate as we are.

To join the Prospect contingent please contact [email protected]