Prospect welcomes Budget commitment to Nato spending target

Prospect welcomes Budget commitment to Nato spending target

The Chancellor’s Budget announcement that the UK will commit to the Nato target of spending 2% of GDP on defence - until the end of the decade - has been warmly welcomed by Prospect.

The union, which represents thousands of defence specialists in both the public and private sectors, has long campaigned for government to guarantee to meet its Nato spending obligations, and supported an early day motion calling for this in the last parliament.

Prospect deputy general secretary Garry Graham said: “Today’s announcement is good news for our members and the defence industry, and will provide much needed certainty for the next five years. It will go some way towards safeguarding skills and therefore British defence capabilities.

“However, we will be closely examining the composition of future defence spending as we continue to hear reports that the goalposts will be moved so that elements of intelligence and overseas aid can be included.”

Prospect also voiced concerns over the MoD and its trading funds being able to recruit and retain civilian specialist skills following the announcement that public sector pay rises will be held at 1% a year for the next four years.

For further information contact:
Garry Graham
020 7902 6678 (w)
07713 511703 (m)
[email protected]
Andrew Child
020 7902 6681 (w)
07803 008697 (m)
[email protected]