Ex Accenture Learning Pay Review 2011

Ex Accenture Learning Pay Review 2011

The Prospect team has had meetings with BT to discuss the application of pay for the Learning & Development team transferred into BT from Accenture.

You can view the company's formal offer letter on the right of this page. The main points of the offer are:

• Increases to the paybill of 3% for both 2011 and 2012 (as already agreed).
• A matrix for distribution of the 3% in 2011 based on pay zone and performance.
• Alignment of personal rights maxima with BT performance ratings
• Further discussion ahead of the 2012 implementation as to the matrix for that review.

The award takes account of existing arrangements around personal rights maxima, and the payment of some or all of the relevant award as an unconsolidated payment where the value of an increase exceeds the zone 4 or personal rights maximum.
We believe that the matrix offers a fair distribution of available funds, with development through the ranges for those currently lower paid, together with recognition of the contribution made right across the team.

As part of the arrangements the personal rights maxima will align with the BT performance ratings; the personal rights maximum for 'Above Peer Group' will cease, effectively merging 'Above Peer Group' and 'Significantly Above' for the purposes of applying personal rights maxima. This change will be beneficial to members marked 'Above' currently paid above the existing personal rights maximum for that rating, but below the maximum for 'Significantly Above'.

We recommend members accept the offer.

Although no changes to range minima or maxima are proposed for the 2011 review, we have confirmed with BT that discussions on ranges will form part of the agenda for discussion around implementation of the 2012 review.

We will now consult members on the offer in an online ballot. The ballot will close at 11am on Thursday 21 July 2011.
You will receive a separate email with your logon details and link to the ballot. To ensure you receive a ballot please take a moment to make sure that we have an up to date email address by visiting the Connect Sector website (Please note that if you do not receive an e-ballot by close of play on Friday 15 July 2011 then please email [email protected])