Ericsson Pay Consultation 2011

Ericsson Pay Consultation 2011

Over the last weeks your Prospect reps have consulted members about Ericsson's full and final 2011 pay offer for Prospect represented units.

We have now finished the series of consultation meetings around the Country and daily conference calls where we have provided further information on the offer, answered questions, listened to views on the possible deal itself as well as explaining the scenarios should the offer be rejected. Thank you to all members who took the time to share their opinions.

Your pay negotiators will be meeting later this week to consider your feedback and decide on the next steps, including how and when to run a member's ballot on the offer. While we appreciate that this may slow the process, it is important that we reflect properly on what you and your colleagues have said to us.

If you were unable to make any of the meetings around the Country or conference calls, and would like to either ask a question about the offer or the options available, then please get in touch with a member of the pay negotiating team or myself.


Ken Harwood - [email protected]
Martin Wills - [email protected]


John Hough - [email protected]
Dave Rennie - [email protected]


Phil Thompson - [email protected]

Prospect FTO

Steve Thomas - [email protected]

Once the reps have met we will update members on next steps.