Four in five staff want to leave MOD

Four in five staff want to leave MOD

A survey of Prospect members in the Ministry of Defence has revealed a shocking decline in morale and a breakdown in trust between staff and MOD's leaders.

The results from over 1,000 respondents to Prospect's online survey show:

  • just 4 per cent thought cuts could be achieved without damaging support to front-line troops
  • 92 per cent said MOD's leadership was undermining their morale and commitment to MOD
  • 77 per cent said they had no confidence in the ability of senior management to deliver the changes planned
  • only 18 per cent want to stay with MOD. The rest would leave if suitable work was available elsewhere.

National secretary Steve Jary said the level of concern and anger among staff was astonishing.

"These views are not borne out of self-interest. They betray a deep concern about the safety and effectiveness of our armed forces.

"As civil servants, our members cannot say these things publicly. But our survey shows that they are not lone voices.

"We urge the government to sit up and take notice."

Prospect has passed the survey findings to MOD and is awaiting a response.