Ericsson Pay Ballot 2011

Ericsson Pay Ballot 2011

The membership ballot of Ericsson's 2011 pay offer for employees covered by Prospect for purposes of collective bargaining has now concluded.

The results are as follows

Do you accept the offer?

Yes 81.5%

No 18.5%

We have therefore written formally to Ericsson to accept the offer on behalf of members and you can read a copy of the letter by clicking on the link to the right of this page.

Ericsson has confirmed that pay increases, salary-related payments and lump sum payments will be made in the September pay roll.

This concludes pay negotiations for 2011, however your negotiating team will be shortly entering into consultation over a review of terms and conditions as well as continuing to represent members interests over issues such as offshoring, outsourcing, fuel cards, performance management and location changes.

Thanks for your continued support.