Your Prospect Branch Committee has concluded that this is the best deal that can be achieved through negotiation and have voted to accept the final offer as outlined in the company's letter, which can be viewed by clicking the link on the right of this page.
The pay deal contains two distinct items: an increase in the overall pay pot of 3.2%, and the introduction of a salary exchange programme to provide individuals with National Insurance Contributions savings on their pension, plus a share of the employer's savings.
The increase in the pay pot of 3.2% is below the inflation figure that was used as the basis of the negotiations (March 2010 RPI was 4.4%). Prospect argued strongly against the off-setting of last year's negative RPI figure (-1.2%) against this year. It was clear during the course of the negotiations the pressure that Telereal Trillium are coming under, particularly through the ongoing commercial discussions with BT and the potential strategies of the new Government. However, the increase of 3.2% does compare favourably against the background of current deals within the private sector.
For the ex-BT population your Branch Committee remains committed to ensuring that we bring as many individuals to at least the mid-point as possible whilst still providing an increase for those above the mid-point. Payments will be made via the matrix attached in the offer letter. This process will be driven by your 2009/2010 performance rating and your position within the current (2008) pay range as in previous years. Pay ranges and the mid-point of the pay bands will be increased by 3.2%.
For the Telereal Trillium new hire population the increase will be paid as a flat percentage increase .
The introduction of the salary exchange programme should see further benefits to individuals. The details of this process will be available by the end of June with the intention that the scheme is launched in September 2010.
Your Branch Committee accepted this offer after much consideration and considers it as being the best that can be achieved by negotiation. It is hoped that following the acceptance of this offer that increases will be paid to individuals in time to be processed in the June 2010 pay roll.
It is clear that the role of the Branch Committee in this process has been positive and has influenced Telereal Trillium's position on pay and its final offer. We can only achieve this with the active support and involvement of our members in Telereal Trillium.
If you have any questions about this pay offer please contact myself or the Telereal Trillium Branch Committee.
If you would like to be more involved in your branch please contact us. All members can help to strengthen our voice by reminding non-members of the important role of Prospect and the benefits of membership, and asking them to join us.