Union welcomes report on Wales Audit Office

Union welcomes report on Wales Audit Office

Prospect, the union for professionals, has welcomed the publication of the International Peer Review report on the Wales Audit Office.

Gareth Howells, Prospect Wales’ Negotiations Officer said: “We accept that this report provides a fair and thorough analysis and congratulate the independent reviewers on their work.

“The staff of the WAO are highly skilled professionals, committed to public service. Prospect is delighted that the Peer Reviewers have recognised that the staff provide an excellent service and deliver high quality work.

“The report also highlights concerns that Prospect has raised with senior management over the last few years. Prospect has offered on several occasions to work in partnership with management to address the concerns.

“We are delighted that the peer review has acknowledged that improved and constructive industrial relations will be central to addressing the report’s recommendations.

Prospect has always been committed to constructive partnership working and will support any genuine effort by the Auditor General for Wales to address the concerns raised."