MoD's performance management 'indefensible' says Prospect

MoD's performance management 'indefensible' says Prospect

Performance management data published by MoD today confirm that a completely new system is needed.

Ministry of Defence sign

For a third year, the statistics indicate that performance management delivers discriminatory outcomes, with disabled staff and black and minority ethnic staff less likely to be marked Box 1 and more likely to be marked Box 3.

This also translates into financial disadvantage, as only Box 1 staff are paid a bonus.

Steph Marston, Prospect's lead negotiator with MoD, said, "Today's figures show that tinkering with the current system has not improved matters. Staff morale has been undermined by unfair and arbitrary box markings driven by a forced distribution rather than a real assessment of performance".

The statistics also show that key principles of good performance management, such as not penalising staff for being on a learning curve, are also being neglected.

Prospect has welcomed Permanent Secretary Stephen Lovegrove's commitment to devising a new approach to performance management (Wanted: New MoD PM System) and has encouraged members to take part in the staff consultation exercises over the summer. 

Members who believe they have been disadvantaged by performance management should contact Prospect through local reps or at [email protected].