Information required for NSQEP RRA backdating claims

Information required for NSQEP RRA backdating claims

Discussions on the backdating of NSQEP RRA payments are still ongoing with MoD and DE&S.

Ministry of Defence sign

Discussions on the backdating of NSQEP RRA payments are still ongoing with MoD and DE&S. However, to protect members’ interests in the event that we are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, Prospect is assessing potential Employment Tribunal claims for the backdating of NSQEP RRA payments.

In order to ensure that we have all the information we need to support your claim, please complete the online form at

by close of play on Friday 9 September.

Please also check with NSQEP colleagues to see whether they have sent us their backdating claim information. If they are not yet Prospect members, they can join the union at Prospect would not normally support an ET claim for a new member with a pre-existing issue, but will consider making an exception for NSQEP backdating claims that are of the same nature as existing members’ claims. New members will be notified of whether Prospect will support their claim or not.