Still time to lobby over telecoms

Still time to lobby over telecoms single market

Uni global union, the European union for 20m workers in skills and services wants members in affiliates to keep up the lobbying pressure on the European parliament over its proposal for a single market for electronic communications.

Deputy general secretary Dai Hudd said: “Uni is urging member and unions to lobby their MEPs with our concerns over the clarity of investment plans and the impact of the proposed regulation on employment in Europe.”

Hudd added that the European legislative process was still underway and that it was important to raise awareness of these concerns with European politicians.

UNI has supplied affiliates with a draft letter when first contacting politicians and other decision makers and a UNI position paper that sets out its stance on the telecoms single market proposal.

“The European Commission is keen to finalise the whole process as quickly as possible, so it is important to contact MEPs and other politicians from now until the beginning of November,” said Hudd.

Members can use the following links to find:
members of the employment committee:

members of the industry committee:

Find your local MEP here:

Download a model letter to use

Download an explanatory covering letter