Pensions ballot begins – papers in post today

Pensions ballot begins – papers in post today

Prospect today begins balloting 30,000 members in the civil service to seek authority for national strike action on 30 November, with the option for further action if there is no positive movement from the government.

The government is asking public sector workers to pay more for their pensions, work longer and for a smaller pension – and so far it's been unwilling to negotiate on the key issues.

That's why Prospect is urging members to vote with a resounding 'yes' in the ballot for action against the government's pension plans. There has been no progress in negotiations on:

  • contribution rates
  • pension age
  • transitional protection

  • accrual rates.

Prospect's ballot of members in the civil service and by-analogy pension schemes runs from October 24 to November 14. It is being conducted by the Electoral Reform Society, which posts out the ballot papers today. Similar votes are being held by almost all members of the public sector unions.

Progress in the negotiations has been hampered by the government not providing key actuarial data necessary to cost the civil service pension scheme.

The union is continuing to press ministers to amend their proposals in a way that would lift the need for industrial action.

"Prospect members are not opposed to change. But the effect of the government's proposals places a disproportionate share of the burden of meeting the fiscal deficit on public servants," said deputy general secretary Dai Hudd.

"Each individual stands to lose almost 50 per cent of the value of their pension benefits, for which they are being asked to pay substantially more. That's real money and for many the loss will mean real financial hardship.

"We are asking our members to join the TUC's national day of action because of the unfairness of the government's proposals and its refusal to engage in genuine negotiations."

Click here for a leaflet outlining the reasons to vote yes, and here for a more detailed Q&A on the key issues.

If you are not a member, of Prospect, sign up online today.