Recruit, retain, organise, represent

Recruit, retain, organise, represent

Information and resources for our reps

If you're not already a rep, find out how you can get involved in Prospect and help make a difference in your own organisation.

You'll find our reps' training programme here.

Application forms and subscription rates

Our online application form calculates the exact subscription rate and is the quickest way to join Prospect. You can also download PDF application forms and subscription rate leaflets

Essential guides

Reps' handbook   info
This handbook is an introduction to the role of a Prospect representative. It provides the basic information that reps need and and how to find out more. [Updated Sep 2021]


Eyes Half Shut - Family Life Factsheet   info
Factsheet illustrating the damage to family life caused by long hours in film and TV. Part of the #EyesHalfShut campaign.

Recruitment factsheet: campaigning locally   info
Local campaigns make a real difference and can be run independently by your branch. This factsheet sets out a few hints and tips.

Recruitment factsheet: communicating with members   info
Some dos and don'ts about communicating with members, whether it's via posters, emails or newsletters.

Recruitment factsheet: excuses for not joining   info
Prepare yourself with responses to some of the most common reasons people give for not joining the union.

Recruitment factsheet: getting organised   info
Set recruitment objectives, manage your time and resources, share the work out, review your progress.

Recruitment factsheet: time off for your union activities   info
Trade union reps have the right to undertake their role, with reasonable paid time off and resources to do it. Most Prospect branches have local agreements that reflect this, sometimes referred to as a ‘facilities agreement.'

Recruitment factsheet: what Prospect reps do   info
Prospect has over 4000 volunteer reps who undertake crucial roles to support members. This factsheet summarises some of the roles and activities they volunteer for.

Recruitment factsheet: why everyone should join a union   info
Five reasons why people should join a union.

Recruitment factsheet: you are not alone!   info
Prospect relies on local volunteers, and we’ll do everything we can to support you in your role. This factsheet summarises what you can expect from us.