Let's all 'Talk Prospect' in November

Let's all 'Talk Prospect' in November

Reps and organisers are gearing up for their third “Let’s Talk Prospect” week from 4-10 November.

Union week is all about encouraging reps and members to talk to their colleagues about Prospect, explain what the union can do for them and why strong membership means better bargaining power.

Previous union weeks revealed reps’ imagination in running events in their workplaces – from lunchtime talks to charity fundraising.

Our website has a page with ideas – everything from advice and information sessions to creative spaces.

Head of organising Jane Lancastle said: “Prospect colleagues are working hard to make this our best union week ever. We have a huge range of activities planned. Mike Clancy will celebrating a year of union recognition with Norwich Airport’s branch.

“I will be at AWE doing a ‘Have I got union news for you’ quiz.

 “I hope you will be able to take part in an event near you. But don’t forget, if you recruit a colleague under our Member recruit Member scheme, they get three months’ free membership and you receive a £10 voucher.”

If you would like to get involved, please email [email protected]