Follow these simple instructions to create your own Twitter account and follow other users.
- On a smartphone or tablet, download the Twitter app, open it and fill in the sign-up information. Alternatively, go to on your computer or laptop. You will need to enter your mobile number, name and password. Click “Get started”. (Don’t worry, your phone number will never be displayed to anyone else. And using your real name is recommended because Twitter is about real people interacting.)
- Verify your mobile number by entering the code sent to your phone.
- Enter your email address. This is optional; you can click “Skip” and continue.
- Choose a username. This is the name by which other people will see you. You can change it later if you’re not satisfied with your initial choice.
- Follow the general instructions to choose subjects of interest or skip this part of the process to get started immediately.
You have now created a Twitter profile and are ready to start tweeting or following other Twitter accounts.
- To follow Prospect’s main Twitter account (@ProspectUnion): use the search field (with the icon of a magnifying glass) to type in “Prospect union” and view the results. It might make it easier to click on “People” in the navigation bar towards the top of the page. This will show you a range of Twitter accounts, including the main Prospect one, and gives you the option to follow any of them by clicking on “Follow” on each one.
- If you cannot see Prospect’s Education and Children’s Services group account (@ProspectECSG) then do another search, this time for “Prospect ECSG”, and view the results. Remember to click on “People” to make it easier to see the results. Again, click on “Follow”.
- When you follow another Twitter account, all its tweets (and the tweets of any other accounts you follow) will show up in order of the most recent first on your Twitter home page (click on the Home icon to see this), keeping you up to date and informed.
- You can now follow anyone in the world who has a Twitter account and will see their tweets in your home page feed. But just because you follow someone does not mean that they will follow you back – though they might choose to.
- You can continue to follow accounts by searching for them by name or subject of interest. Similarly, if you see a tweet that you find interesting and you would like to receive more of a similar nature, you can follow the account that tweeted it (if you haven’t already). You can also look through the followers of any Twitter account and follow any yourself that look interesting to you.
Some Twitter accounts we recommend that you follow for education news include:
@ProspectECSG – news and views from Prospect’s Education and Children’s Services group
@tes – lively TES account with good features on schools, pedagogy and education policy
@educationgovuk – updates on Department for Education work, includes ministerial work
@ChildrensComm – Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield’s official account covering issues like safeguarding, mental health and exclusion
@SchoolsImprove – account casts a wide net in its coverage of schools and education