Late last year the trade union PCS launched a Judicial Review of the CSCS terms agreed by eight unions with the Cabinet Office in 2016. While they failed on points of substance, their claim in relation to process was upheld where they argued that they had been excluded from the consultation process last year.
Prospect had been consistent in seeking to persuade PCS to take an active part in the consultation and negotiations which ultimately led to eight unions, including Prospect, GMB, UNISON, Unite and others recommending that members accept the revised final proposals tabled by the Cabinet Office.
While the Judicial Review focused on process matters- the effective result was to quash the terms agreed by eight unions and to default back to the previous CSCS terms from 2010. Prospect warned that the outcome of the Judicial Review potentially gave the government an excuse to rip up the terms agreed in late 2016 and propose worse terms. This is what is has happened in the consultation published today.
Garry Graham, deputy general secretary of Prospect union, said:
"Prospect warned that the Judicial Review taken by PCS provided the excuse and opportunity the government wanted to table worse terms than were ultimately negotiated and signed up to by eight unions including Prospect, FDA, Unite, UNISON and others in 2016.
“By being determined to remain at the bargaining table arguing on behalf of our members, the terms Prospect negotiated included significant protections for the lowest paid and increased the maximum available for those leaving on voluntary redundancy from the initially tabled 12 month's salary to 18 months.
"Prospect will be responding robustly to the consultation and as ever will remain at the bargaining table arguing on behalf of members. We will be holding the government to account and expect them to honour their commitments."