Prospect’s view on the election
Whatever the outcome of the election, Prospect will be looking for a government that delivers rising living standards, secure jobs and a voice for workers on how the economy is run, says general secretary Mike Clancy.
Member guidance on getting involved
Prospect is a politically independent union, but that does not mean we don’t have a voice. We have produced 5 short tips on how branches and members can get involved – and how the union should not endorse candidates.
Election web pages –
All of our blogs, information and guidance on the general election will be posted on a special web page – You can check here regularly for the latest Prospect news about 8 June – including questions you may wish to ask of your local candidates.
Don’t forget to register to vote
If you want to have a say on 8 June, you need to be registered to vote. The deadline for voter registration is 22 May. It only takes a few minutes. The link is
Brexit and employment rights
Now is the time to ensure workers’ rights are high on the political agenda, says Marion Scovell, who also explains the implications of Brexit. There’s more detail in a new briefing note for members.
Science and innovation a voting issue
Investment in research and development and the status of non-UK EU nationals are among the issues that will affect Prospect members, says deputy general secretary Sue Ferns.
DfE silence on education
Plenty of consulting but hardly any answers, says Warwick Mansell.
- More election blogs are on our special election webpage.
Prospect rep becomes first black president of the STUC
Leading Prospect rep Satnam Ner has been elected as the first black president of the Scottish Trades Union Congress. He says: “The Brexit negotiations are putting further strain on our already struggling economy and racism and anti-immigration sentiment are on the rise. That is why there has never been a more important time for trade unions in Scotland to have a strong voice.”
Civil service pay cap fails to address skills gap
The Treasury’s pay remit guidance for the civil service – slipped out on 21 April – shows contempt for employees in the post-Brexit referendum world and is not fit for purpose, Prospect says.
Members on the March for Science
Scientists are a cautious, reticent breed. So what drove them to the streets in their thousands, to political demonstrations around the world, on Saturday 22 April? Find out from our organiser Jenny Andrew, herself a former research scientist, who was with Prospect members in Manchester.
Nuclear pensions ballot back on
Balloting of members across the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s estate on proposals to reform their pensions will now begin on 3 May. Prospect had been due to ballot them at the beginning of the month but decided to defer until there was more clarity over how the government’s £95,000 cap on severance terms would apply.
New gender pay gap rules
Both private and public sector organisations with more than 250 employees will have to record their gender pay gap figures after new regulations were introduced at the end of March. Employers will be expected to publish their first figures before April next year. A Prospect equality briefing has all the details (member log-in required).
Supreme Court upholds indirect discrimination principle
In a case brought by Prospect, the Supreme Court has ruled that where a pay system or any other practice disproportionately affects a racial or religious group, the employer must be able to objectively justify it.
However, the court was not prepared to overturn an earlier employment tribunal ruling on the Prison Service’s treatment of our member, Muslim chaplain Mohammad Naeem.
Taking time, saving lives
A great line-up of speakers addressed Prospect’s packed health and safety reps’ conference in March. Visit the website to watch a video and see the presentations.
- Workers’ memorial day – 28 April – we’ve also produced a short new video to highlight the importance of health and safety.
Scottish football refs want a voice
Seven out of ten senior Scottish referees surveyed by Prospect believe the fees paid by the Scottish Football Association do not reflect the time and effort they put into the job and 93% want union recognition.
Newsletters to download
For members in energy and nuclear
Stage Screen and Radio
For members in the BECTU sector, including news from the communications and digital division (member log-in required)
Features recent legal cases for members, news on employment law and information on Prospect legal services (member log-in required)
Supporting the step back into STEM careers
Prospect and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) have produced a guide for employers on supporting people who have taken a break to return to their science, engineering, technology and maths careers.
Freelancers’ Fair 2017
The BECTU sector is holding a fair for freelancers working in TV and radio on Friday 19 May. Industry experts will speak on topics as varied as getting your script to screen, copyright, funding your film, developing your craft as a vlogger/blogger, choosing the best small kit for your project, fake news and Brexit. It’s at the Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle St, London W1S 4BS. 9-6pm. Register here.
LGBT rights in the workplace
Members and reps are invited to a BECTU sector LGBT training and workshop day on Thursday 22 June, 10am-4.30pm, in Clapham. Places are limited – you can register here and will need to pay a £5 refundable deposit. The event will cover campaigning for LGBT rights in the workplace; building networks; authenticity at work; and tackling discrimination and prejudice.
Women into Engineering
An Institution of Engineering and Technology conference in Birmingham on Friday 23 June will focus on getting more women into engineering. Book here.
Prospect Extra
Take a look at the Prospect Extra money-saving website for energy deals and more.
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You can stay with Prospect even if you are changing jobs or retiring.
Tell us if your details have changed
If your email address and other contact details are changing, please email Prospect's membership department on [email protected]. Registered members can amend their details via their website member welcome page.