Prospect members supporting vulnerable people in the community

Prospect members supporting vulnerable people in the community

Tim King, a Prospect rep at the Big Lottery Fund in Birmingham, is showing how the union does good work in the workplace and beyond

Outside the world of the Big Lottery Fund, Tim and his wife are foster carers, and it was through this work that they first made contact with the Churches Housing Association of Dudley and District (CHADD).

Their motivation at that time was to find a deserving home for a mountain of baby and child-related equipment they had accumulated over the years.

They soon found out that CHADD supports a range of worthwhile causes so they were keen to try and help. Through Tim's connections with Prospect, he thought this would be a great organisation to support as part of Prospect’s charity/community work.

So, over the next few weeks, Prospect reps will be collecting essential items for CHADD service users and Easter eggs for the kids.

One of the areas CHADD supports is women, children and men experiencing domestic abuse in the Dudley area. Domestic abuse is very common, impacting one in four women at some point in their lives. Men also suffer, but this tends to be far less recognised.

CHADD also provides supported accommodation for young people who are vulnerable and at risk in the community. The idea is to help them to develop their skills and capability to live independently and to access other relevant services including education, training and work or volunteering experience.

The objective of the service is to enable the young person to live independently in his or her own home and to successfully handle the responsibilities that entails.

CHADD also looks after the elderly by providing a sheltered housing service where residents may live independently with support and arranged care packages when needed. This means they can participate in activities within the community and reduce their reliance on health services or delay admission into long-term care.