Prospect defends flood specialists

Prospect defends flood specialists in Guardian Professional blog

Stop scapegoating Environment Agency specialists, Prospect deputy general secretary Leslie Manasseh says today in a blog on Guardian Professional's Public Leaders Network.

Manasseh says the flooding crisis has shone a spotlight on much that the government would prefer to remain hidden – not least the coalition's quiet slashing of the Environment Agency's budget.

He outlines some immediate steps the government could take:

  1. Do not decide on a permanently smaller Environment Agency until the lessons from the flooding, and the implications for the future, have been considered.
  2. Double investment in flood defences by 2035.
  3. Commit to the strategy on flood and coastal risk management first published by the Environment Agency in 2009.
  4. Ensure cross-government resources and expertise are deployed and build on existing good practice such as the Flood Forecasting Centre.
  5. Better co-ordinate statements so that all those affected are clear about the strategy and immediate priorities and resist the political temptation to scapegoat the staff of the Environment Agency.