British Energy Generation – pay 2001 industrial action ballot

British Energy Generation – pay 2001 industrial action ballot

Five unions recognised by British Energy Generation, AEEU, GMB, PROSPECT (formerly EMA), TGWU and UNISON announced today (Tuesday) that their members had voted overwhelmingly for action short of a strike and for strike action in a dispute over pay.

  • 06 Nov 2001

A high turnout by all union members sent a clear message to British Energy that the company should meet staff demands for a one-year pay deal with no strings attached, payable at the going industry rate rather than the offer on the table. The current offer is for two years, with pay linked to performance and guaranteed rises in pensionable pay below the going rate. An increase was due from 1 July 2001.

The unions say that the company has consistently failed to listen to staff and the ballot result reflects that.

Industrial action will commence in the next three weeks unless a realistic deal can be struck. If action commences, it is inevitable that all of British Energy’s plant in the UK will be shut down, affecting 25% of the UK’s electricity production. The unions will ensure that all safety procedures are adhered to and that there will be no risk to the public or employees.