DXC Members Update

DXC Members Update

An update for members in DXC on Work Force Reduction Programme, Covid -19 and UK Works Council – Special Negotiating Committee elections.

Work Force Reduction Programme

Members may be aware of the recent announcement regarding the FY21 WFR programme, which originally proposed a reduction of over 500 roles across Deliver, Build and Sell. Since the town hall announcement by CEO Mike Salvino regarding the removal of non-customer facing roles, a number of these proposals are now on hold.

Prospect and the other recognised unions are currently in consultation with the company regarding the WFR programme. Redundancies during such uncertain times are undoubtedly causing concern and Prospect will remain in dialogue with the company as the programme progresses. The union will be seeking to ensure there are as few compulsory redundancies as possible. If members are in a redundancy pool and need any help or advice from Prospect, then please contact us via email [email protected]

Covid -19

We are currently speaking to the company regarding both current working from home arrangements and future returning to workplace plans. If you have any concerns or feedback regarding the company’s response to Covid-19 please contact us via email and we can raise your queries during these discussions.

UK Works Council – Special Negotiating Committee elections

The UK works council is the body made up of elected employees, which represents the workforce under the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations (ICE).

Members may have received communications from the company regarding the nomination of representatives to a Special Negotiating Committee. There are seven posts on the negotiating body divided between L2 business units; these are Deliver, Corporate Functions, Industries, Offerings and Strategic Partners, Regional and Technology Office. The Special Negotiating Committee’s function is to negotiate the terms of a new agreement between the company and the works council. If there are more nominations than positions a ballot will take place and Prospect encourages you to vote in these elections to ensure the best candidates go forward to represent your interests.

Finally, thank you to members for your continued support for the union at this difficult time. In turn, we are determined to continue support our members and fight for their jobs. Please stay safe and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns [email protected]