Prospect Air Traffic Controllers in HIAL vote overwhelmingly for industrial action on pay

Prospect Air Traffic Controllers in HIAL vote overwhelmingly for industrial action on pay

Prospect Air Traffic controllers in Highlands and Island Airport Limited (HIAL) have voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action following the rejection by Scottish Ministers of a business case to resolve the dispute.

  • 01 Mar 2019

plane in sky

88% of controllers voted for strike action with 90% backing action short of a strike. Turnout was 86%.

Prospect will consult representatives next week before confirming industrial action plans. The action is likely to start in April and continue through the summer.

Prospect negotiations officer David Avery said:

“Prospect members have overwhelmingly backed the union’s position and sent a clear message to the Scottish Government that enough is enough.

“Our members at HIAL undertake highly skilled roles, much in demand across the UK and Europe, but due to public sector pay restraint their pay has fallen significantly behind the rest of the industry.

“Air Traffic Controllers do not want to have to take this action but Ministers’ refusal to engage with the issue of pay has left them with no choice. Prospect remains ready to negotiate at any point to avoid this action but ministers must come back to the table with a new meaningful offer.”