Unilever R&D Redundancies Colworth

NUMA - Unilever R&D Redundancies Colworth

Prospect has been approached by several members based at the Colworth Laboratory to provide advice and support around redundancies that Unilever R&D is currently consulting over.

As the Full Time Officer for what was the National Unilever Managers Association I have been responding to members directly and providing support.  This will continue during any individual consultation.

If you are affected by proposed redundancies and have not already been in touch, please let me know via email [email protected] along with any questions you might have.  I will be seeking to find out more information from Unilever direct.

You can find out more about redundancy in Prospect’s members guide which can be accessed on our website https://library.prospect.org.uk/download/2010/01156


Steve Thomas

National Secretary