The Company has also announced that it wishes to reduce its UK workforce by just over 5% and it has confirmed to Prospect that it intends to do this so far as possible by voluntary means.
The union has received a presentation from various parts of the business about their thoughts on the approach and we have raised a number of initial challenges to the approach being adopted. Our main objective on behalf of members will be to avoid compulsory redundancy, to ensure that a robust and supportive redeployment process is in place, and that those who remain have balanced workloads with good career prospects.
Formal consultation will continue for 3 months, but we are aware that the consequences of a reorganisation on this scale will take far longer to draw to a conclusion and the union will support its members throughout. In the meantime members need to appreciate that it is only they who will fully understand the consequences of change on themselves and their colleagues in their own units. If you believe as you learn more about the details of transformation that it is being managed inappropriately or unfairly, then please raise concerns with your managers locally and let us know the details so we can support you through our national consultations.
It is worth noting at this stage that, other than at senior levels, it will be too early to establish where the reductions will be in the new Sales and Service Directorate and there is no intention to reduce numbers in Technology.
It will be valuable to appoint a member of Prospect in your unit to be a representative, where one does not exist, to filter your concerns through to the union. Please let us know who you would like to do this.
At this stage the company is announcing a number of people who are "at risk" of redundancy. It is seeking volunteers from amongst this group of people but if others in directorates that are seeking reductions wish to express an interest and they believe that the vacancy created by their departure could be adequately filled by somebody who would otherwise be displaced then feel free to express youir interest to your managers. Please understand that O2 is not currently seeking volunteers from employees who are not "at risk", however the union will continue to insist that all steps are taken to avoid compulsory redundancy.
Further details of the current terms and processes are to be found on O2's intranet.
Please encourage any colleagues who are not members of the union to join now. Prospect can only represent its members and longstanding members will receive priority during a time of difficult change. Those employees who join after 1st February when they suddenly realise they have a problem will not be entitled to individual representation.
We will continue to update members and hold local meetings where requested.
In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns about the transformation please contact our helpdesk on 0208 971 6060 or [email protected].