BT Global Services Autumn Tour 2010

BT Global Services Autumn Tour 2010

Autumn is upon us, and your Union Reps are going out on the road again. It's your union, so make sure we know what's happening in your world of work.

Come and meet the IRC - either in person or via conference call - and let us know how working life is treating you. We want to hear the good and the bad, and update you on our conversations with BT.

We all know that change is a constant feature in BT Global Services, so are you and your colleagues getting all the information you need? Have you got your working time and home time in a good balance, or are the demands of the job too much? Is the new performance management agreement working well in your area? Do you know how to access training and development opportunities? Whatever the issue, we welcome your feedback, your thoughts and ideas. Our agenda is about good, secure and rewarding work. But it takes all of us working together to achieve this.

Remember - it's your union.

Below are a list of dates when representatives of the Global Services IRC are at various BT locations this autumn. There are lots of conference calls planned, particularly focussing on home-based workers, sales people and those in Global Customer Service Operations. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep in touch with your union. If you spot a gap in the tour - let us know and help us plug it. Remember, the IRC is made up of your colleagues, volunteering to help the union, supported by Sarah Ward (National Officer) and Sarah Powell in the National Office. So, if you want to get involved we'd love to hear from you.

Prospect Global Services IRC Meetings/Calls this autumn:

14th October - Conference call for members working in Sales
Time: 12 - 1pm
Book your place via Sarah Powell (details below)

19th October - Drop in and meet the union at BT Centre
Time: 3 - 4pm
Meet your union, informal drop in on the first floor walkway outside the restaurant.

20th October - Conference call for members working in GCSO
Time: 12 - 1pm
Book your place via Sarah Powell

26th October - Conference call for Global Services home based workers in the Mid Yorkshire Branch with Ian Varnes (GS IRC Vice Chair)
Time: 12 - 1pm
Book your place via Sarah Powell

9th November - Understanding your pension with Calvin Allen, Prospect Research Officer
Time: 12.30 - 1.30pm
Conference call in association with the Prospect Young Professionals Network - open to any interested members
Book your place via Sarah Powell

10th November - Bristol - Drop in surgery with Sarah Ward
Details to be arranged

17th November - Meetings in BT Leavesdon
Time: 11 - 12pm: Members Open Surgery - drop in and meet the union
Time: 12 - 1pm: Getting your PDP to work for you - information and discussion with Laura Trendall (Global IRC and Prospect Union Learning Rep)
Location: Leavesden, Room C2MR09

If you would like to attend any of the above conference calls/meetings then please contact Sarah Powell [email protected] for further details and to register for the calls.