Voluntary Leavers Package in Global Customer Service Operations

Voluntary Leavers Package in Global Customer Service Operations

Prospect has been notified that a voluntary paid leavers package is to be made available.

The leaver package will be on an exception basis in Global Customer Service Operations within BT Global Services.

This area has been facing significant re-organisation and while redeployment remains an option (and BT has reconfirmed the commitment to redeployment) the company has decided that applications for a leaver package will be explored at this time.

Applications should be submitted by 26th February 2010, with "successful" applicants being given a leaving date of 31st March. Remember that as always, voluntary does mean that both sides must agree, and BT reserves the right to consider applications in light of operational needs etc.

We are not aware of any further plans for leavers packages, in any other part of Global Services at this time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Prospect Help Desk on 020 8971 6060 or e-mail [email protected]