Prospect Building Research Establishment
Welcome to the Prospect BRE Branch web site.
Within BRE, the Branch represents staff in all grades working at the main site at Garston, Watford and at BRE Scotland at East Kilbride, including satellite offices and homeworkers. It is the only recognised Trade Union at BRE.
The Branch has a comprehensive network of local reps at Garston and East Kilbride and a full time Negotiator based at Prospect HQ in London. Logged-in members can get a list of reps on our contacts page.
Formerly an Executive Agency within the Department of the Environment, the Building Research Establishment was privatised in 1997 and is now wholly owned by the BRE Trust, (formerly FBE). The Trust has charitable status and was set up to provide strategic direction to BRE and safeguard its reputation for independence, authority and impartiality.
If you would like to contact us, then please email
The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of Prospect nationally.