UK Intellectual Property Office Branch - Public content

Prospect UK Intellectual Property Office

What do Prospect do at the IPO?

The Prospect IPO committee raises issues on behalf of members, and engages with the IPO on changes in the workplace.  The role of a Prospect representative working on a project is to ensure that the views of members have been heard as well as ensuring that equality and diversity issues are considered.  Please let us know your views on any ongoing changes, or anything else you are concerned about.

The Deal

We work with HR to make sure that changes are in line with "the Deal". 

W/A and performance management changes

Prospect is keen to ensure that changes to the performance management system work well for members. For examiners, while w/a reporting has been removed in a number of examining groups, this is not universal and alternatives are often established locally on a case-by-case basis. If you have any concerns about the operation of the system or about how your performance is managed and rewarded we can provide advice and support.

Personal Cases

Prospect representatives can provide assistance and support during individual difficulties, including accompanying you to any hearings.  Prospect provides training for reps to help us to provide the best support to you.

Local reps, with assistance from full-time officers, deal with several cases a year concerning pay, bonuses, pensions, appraisals including the system for managing “poor” performance, attendance management, stress, leave and general advice. 

Health and Safety

Committee members are involved in regular work to assess and minimise risks in the workplace including highlighting the importance of screen-breaks, humidity levels and adequate DSE assessments. If you have any individual or general concerns please speak to a health and safety rep.