The TUPE negotiations have provided you with some important protection over and above your legal minimum rights and a copy of the final TUPE documents can be found by clicking on the links contained on the Huawie page of the Prospect website.
Huawei is a very different company to Telefonica, so certain processes and arrangements that you may have taken for granted will change – some quite quickly. Over the coming weeks, the company will want to start to change some operating practices and broaden the scope of work many of you undertake. For many of you this will provide good opportunities but others may feel a little unsettled. Huawei is an ambitious company and your interests are inevitably tied into its success. Prospect will be working with Huawei to ensure a successful partnership that benefits both our members and the company.
Please remember Prospect is here to support members through change that you perceive as positive or negative. Members who find new job opportunities may well want advice about issues they should focus on in negotiating amendments to their pay and conditions when accepting a new role. We will continue to tackle inequity in pay and grading arrangements in our discussions with Huawei.
However to be effective we need your participation on conference calls we will occasionally run and in letting us know what is good and what is not so good in your new roles.
Jeff Cank has offered to be a principal Branch officer and he will need support from others in the branch to make sure your interests are carefully represented.
We will set up a conference call in the near future so that we can assess how members are faring and what our new priorities should be.
Please encourage any colleagues you come across in Huawei to join the union.