Sign petition to save Forensic Science Service

Sign petition to save Forensic Science Service

cutStop logoPublic protest against the government's planned closure of the Forensic Science Service is growing, with 18,948 people so far signing a petition pressing for a parliamentary debate.

Please sign it yourself and pass the link - - to others. The petition warns that the cost of forensic submissions sent to the private sector will rocket, and if the police forces decide to take on their own forensic work due to their budget cuts then impartiality could be lost.

Since announcing the closure, Prospect has had no further detail over how it is to be managed. The union is seeking a meeting with crime reduction minister James Brokenshire asking him to give more consideration to what this announcement will mean to criminal justice.

If you would like to comment or add your voice to the campaign please email [email protected]

Find out why Prospect thinks the sell-off is wrong.

  • 21 Jan 2011