1. Introduction

14% of survey complete.
Dear Colleague,

CULT Cymru is a learning project led by Bectu in partnership with Equity, the Musicians’ Union and the Writers’ Guild.  We are supported by the Welsh Government's Wales Union Learning Fund. We work with industry workers, employers and other organisations to arrange learning activities and networking events throughout Wales.

As the film and television sector starts to recover in Wales after the pandemic, it is becoming clear that skill shortages exist in the freelance workforce in a variety of roles.

We are keen to help connect productions which have opportunities for Live Events and Theatre/Arts production and crew based in Wales who possess transferable skills, as well as people already working in the sector but may want to change department or genre to enhance their work opportunities.

If you would like to be informed about TV and film job opportunities in Wales which match your transferable skills as well as other relevant training, please complete the questionnaire below to register your interest. We will store your details in line with our private policy (see below).

We shall be running awareness raising events via zoom shortly to inform people about the various opportunities available in the different departments within the TV and Film sector in Wales.

Please complete the survey asap.  We have an event booked for Tuesday 30.03.21 @ 7-8.30pm  https://bit.ly/39bd6VA  website:  cult.cymru


Those signing up to this register should be: 

●        An experienced practitioner in either Live Events / Theatre /Arts Production or already working in tv and film and wanting to change departments or get more work 

● Available for freelance work opportunities (we can provide training if you have not already set up as a sole trader)

● Based in Wales

Question Title

* 1. Consent